
Welcome to, The Fun Jar! A long time ago in a galaxy far away...Just kidding it was in Washington state about 6 years ago, I came up with the idea of the Fun Jar. Back then, my eldest daughter was about 5years old, and I had just introduced her baby sister to the world, needless to say I had little or no money to spare on all the "fun" things she wanted to do. So I invented the Fun Jar. Simple little or no cost FUN things for us to do. I drew pictures on tiny pieces of paper detailing the event, not elaborate pictures by any means, stick figures really; just enough of a drawing so that a 5yr old would know what the fun activity would be. There were around 15 of these pieces of paper, folded in half, no peeking! These magnificent masterpieces of stick figure art were then put inside a recycled jelly jar. Presto! Fun papers in a jar and Fun Jar was born. Every Friday it was all she talked about, "can I pick from the Fun Jar", and how could I say no? All it required of me was my time, which I was happy to give. I have decided that my brain is so full of these ideas that the only way to let them out is to put them here, and share with others all the fun I have had, am having, an will continue to have with my girls, not to worry for those who have boys, the fun on this blog can be used by everybody! So take notes, or use the ideas I place in here to 'light' the light bulb above your own head, and spark new ideas, and most of all HAVE FUN!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No ordinary puppet show!

Yes, a puppet show would be nice, but this was no ordinary puppet show. I can always tell when my kids are bored. Its as if they collapse to the floor, conveniently in front of where ever I happen to be, as if the boredom has taken them over and exhausted their ability to stand. My mother use to call this obsurd behavior "woddling".( and if my mother had a name for it my brother and sister must have dont it, not me of course) So as I sat there watching TV one day, another type of show came on. Lets call it the woddling show, and oh my this was quite a long episode. My daughter was putting her feet on me, trying to get attention anyway so I picked up a pen that was close by and drew happy faces on all of her toes. That's it, that was all the effort on my part to create a world within her in which feet were people, and they could talk to her, or me, or to the dog. Her toe people could have funny voices, and say funny things like "hey I smell something funny, do you smell it?" There you have it, this Fun Jar has so many open endings you can take flight on! You can even do it to your own toes and have a toe conversation, make an upside down laundry basket into a stage, take turns laying on your back and putting on silly plays with your feet. I have added a picture for special effect, enjoy!

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