
Welcome to, The Fun Jar! A long time ago in a galaxy far away...Just kidding it was in Washington state about 6 years ago, I came up with the idea of the Fun Jar. Back then, my eldest daughter was about 5years old, and I had just introduced her baby sister to the world, needless to say I had little or no money to spare on all the "fun" things she wanted to do. So I invented the Fun Jar. Simple little or no cost FUN things for us to do. I drew pictures on tiny pieces of paper detailing the event, not elaborate pictures by any means, stick figures really; just enough of a drawing so that a 5yr old would know what the fun activity would be. There were around 15 of these pieces of paper, folded in half, no peeking! These magnificent masterpieces of stick figure art were then put inside a recycled jelly jar. Presto! Fun papers in a jar and Fun Jar was born. Every Friday it was all she talked about, "can I pick from the Fun Jar", and how could I say no? All it required of me was my time, which I was happy to give. I have decided that my brain is so full of these ideas that the only way to let them out is to put them here, and share with others all the fun I have had, am having, an will continue to have with my girls, not to worry for those who have boys, the fun on this blog can be used by everybody! So take notes, or use the ideas I place in here to 'light' the light bulb above your own head, and spark new ideas, and most of all HAVE FUN!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mommy's Cinema Presents...

There is something that always stirs excitement when I call a movie night. These aren't just great fun for the kids its fun for me too; because on a movie night instead of picking a new movie, I pick a movie from way back when, such as Black Beauty, The Man from Snowy River, Where the Red Fern Grows, Sounder or any of the many Shirley Temple movies. Some choices for our movies are not so old, and should be household favorites anyway, like: Back to The Future I II III, The Goonies, Babes in Toyland, Honey I shrunk the Kids, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead. Lets face it, these movies are classics because people still have the desire to watch them. How will our little ones ever keep movies' classics when they get bigger if they have never seen any? The best part of these movies is that they are super cheap, sometimes you can check them out at the library for free, that's right FREE. To make our movie night extra special I make popcorn, (plain popcorn) and I add 2Tbs of real butter and 1tsp seasoned salt on top for very tasty treat. If you have never popped popcorn on the stove the old fashioned way, give it a try and let them watch you make it, they will be truly amazed and you become not only a master cook but a  magician as well.

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